International Distribution via Marketplaces

Through our expertise, we help with the localisation of products, international distribution via marketplaces, local targeting of marketing activities, inventory management and shipping.

1. Carry out a market analysis

We conduct a comprehensive market analysis to understand the market trends, competition and potential customers in the target countries. We also take into account local laws, regulations and cultural differences to ensure that your products are successful in the target markets.

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2. Optimise product presentation and translation

We optimise your product presentation and description and ensure correct translation into the languages of the target markets. We ensure that your products are presented in an appealing way to customers in the target markets and that the information is easy to understand. This is crucial to arouse customers' interest and build trust.

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3. Manage distribution channels and logistics

We manage the distribution channels and logistics for the international sale of your products. We select suitable distribution channels and manage the logistics and shipping of the products. We ensure that customers in the target markets can easily order your products and receive them quickly to ensure high customer satisfaction.

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How can we help you?

We would be happy to work with you to determine starting points for optimising your marketplace business. Arrange a 30-minute appointment.